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Latest Past Events

20th Capra Meeting on Radiation Reaction in General Relativity

UNC Chapel Hill, 014 Sitterson Hall 201 S. Columbia St., Chapel Hill

The Capra meetings have been bringing together relativists interested in the problem of radiation reaction in general relativity and its application to extreme-mass-ratio inspirals (EMRIs) as astrophysical sources of gravitational waves. The meeting will be held June 19-23, 2017 at UNC.

CoSMS Workshop on Naturalness

UNC Chapel Hill, Chapman 125 205 S Columbia St, Chapel Hill

This 3 Day CoSMS workshop centers on Theoretical and Experimental constraints on Naturalness, the main driver for physics beyond the Standard Model for many years. The next few years are expected to be especially informative. More information and registration available at:

CoSMS Workshop on Thermonuclear Reaction Rates

Top of the Hill Great Room 100 East Franklin Street, Chapel Hill

Cosmic phenomena, including the origin of the universe, stellar explosions on the surface of white dwarfs, and the evolution of our galaxy, cannot be understood without a proper knowledge of thermonuclear reaction rates. This CoSMS workshop is designed to build … Read more